thanks Zack, your solution works.
you put the creation of the ofEasyCam instance in a Lua script where i used the Ofelia Pd object.
with the Lua script the the 'old' instance is replaced by a fresh one everytime [ofSetup] is done.
am i right this shows a significant difference between the two patching methods.
is this only with [ofSetup] ?
Zack Lee schreef op 07-03-2020 5:56:
Hi Rolf,I think it is [ofEasyCam]'s problem.After you recreate the window, if you also recreate [ofEasyCam MA-cam] object and call "setupPerspective()", it works again.One way to fix this could be to recreate the ofEasyCam class instance whenever the window is created.I attached the patch that does this. Let me know if you still have the problem.Regards,Zack
2020년 3월 5일 (목) 오전 7:21, <>님이 작성:hi,
(windows 10, pd-50.0)
1. after destroy and create of the ofWindow i cannot use the mouse anymore to move the EasyCam.
until now i didn't find a solution (workaround) for this.
2. when doing destroy and create in the same message the result seems to be unpredictable.
using a [del 200] between destroy and create 'solves' this. (the 200 is just a choice).
3. after a reset (destroy and create ofWindow) my objects are at a position different from the one after initializing.
(could this be connected with the EasyCam problem?)
i've 'solved' this by doing the first reset automatically after initialisation.
attached is a test patch demonstrating 1. and 3.
i'm using the Pd objects of Ofelia (not Lua script) because it's easier for me to embed it in a bigger patch
where data are send to different OF sub-patches.
has anybody else encountered these problems?
as you can see i'm making progress.