REGEDIT  digging isn' t needed anymore on Windoze, since Pd-Extended 0.40.3. 
There are dialog boxes in the path and startup options that are way too intuitive.  The Path function will add all the new paths to the path list.  If you click [New...], it will open the file browse window, you find your folder, select it, hit ok, and it's added. 
The Startup function is similar.  Click new and type the name of your new lib to load, hit ok, and you're done.
...One of the major highlights of the new package, IMHO.
> ---a screenshot (max width=600 pixels) of using REGEDIT.EXE to edit the
> pdsettings as described in the chapter. (Current screenshot was uploaded
> by German user, so an English version would be preferable)