The gui needs work - do you mean we need more/better looking gui objects?  When I was working on OS X, I couldn't really use very many gui objects at once because of Apple's crappy closed implementation of tcl/tk; the lag was terrible.  Pd devs can't really do anything about that (though it is a huge problem).  A significant portion of pd users are on OS X.

Pd's gui definitely does need work, but without a clear roadmap it will be hard to say what priority that is, right?  Watching that google talk has me thinking about all kinds of things.


On 5/28/07, Damian Stewart <> wrote:
Roman Haefeli wrote:
> was it that, what you meant by a 'focus'?

for me, the biggest issue is with the UI. almost none of the points in
src/notes.txt deal with the GUI, and certainly there is no talk at all of
gui improvements.

to me the engine works fine - i mean, pd crashes sometimes but this is
usually due to missing or broken externals than to do with anything in the

it is the gui that needs work. i would like to work on this but i don't
know where to start.

damian stewart | +44 7854 493 796 |
frey | live art with machines |

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