On Nov 3, 2010, at 8:00 AM, Pierre Massat wrote:
Plugin~ has never worked on my laptop. It crashes Pd.
2010/11/3 Derek Holzer
You could use [plugin~], in which case there is the am_pitchshft in the SWH plugins lib. Worked well for me as a LADSPA plugin in Arodur in the past, haven't tried it with [plugin~] in Pd.
On 11/3/10 10:22 AM, Pierre Massat wrote:
Hi all,
A few months ago I posted a message about a pitch shifter and someone
pointed me to the shifter~ object ported to Pd by Julian Villeguas
(http://julovi.net/j/?page_id=7). Unfortunately the makefile wasn't
written for Linux. Is there a way i can compile it to run in Fedora?
::: derek holzer ::: http://macumbista.net :::
---Oblique Strategy # 167:
"Use cliches"
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