On Sep 30, 2017, at 12:00 PM, pd-list-request@lists.iem.at wrote:

So I'm really confused on what the technical issues are.

The macOS [pix_film], [pix_image], & [pix_record] backends use the Quicktime framework (via QTKit) provided by Apple with the OS.

Apple stopped updating Quicktime a while ago in favor of the AVFoundation framework starting with macOS 10.7. Quicktime, being older, was designed for 32 bit systems and not updated for 64 bit. AVFoundation being newer was designed for 64 bit systems and does not support 32 bit.

As of macOS 10.12, Quicktime is no longer included with the OS. This was after being deprecated for 5 versions of the OS, so no surprise. If you are running 10.12, [pix_film], [pix_image], & [pix_record] simply will not work as there is no Quicktime. The backends need to be transitions to use AVFoundation instead.

Everything else in GEM works.

I started the basics of adding AVFoundation backends a couple years ago now, but just haven't gotten around to things very often and was hoping (in vain apparently) that there were some other people willing to finish it off. There is currently a [pix_film] working with AVFoundation but it has a memory leak I haven't fixed, so Pd crashes after playing a video for about a minute.

Dan Wilcox