From: Pd-list <> on behalf of Roman Haefeli <>
Sent: 22 March 2018 07:36
Subject: Re: [PD] cannot 'upgrade' old patch
On Don, 2018-03-22 at 07:44 +0100, wrote:
> hi list,
> i have old patches made with Pdext 42.5.
> when opened with Vanilla 48.1 i get lots of uncreated objects (of 
> course).
> some of them i'm not able to 'repair'.
> e.g. [symbol2list]
> i put in a [declare -stdpath -zexy -stdlib -zexy].

It should read:

[declare -stdpath zexy -stdlib zexy]

(without dashes before 'zexy').

> it's possible to create a new [symbol2list] object.
> after saving, closing pd, opening again,
> the new object is not created.
> what can i do to resolve this.

Let's hope the typo was the reason for this. If not, then this is odd.
I mean, if it works _before_ saving the patch, it is supposed to work
after re-loading. I'd run pd in verbose mode. You can add the startup
flag '-verbose' (without quotes) in your preferences. When loading
[symbol2list], check what it does and whether Pd is looking into the
right places.
