i need to design a sistem to control 40 diferents audio files and
playback in a stereo sistem. I was thinking to use puredata and arduino,
load the 40 audios in a pd patch and use 40 switches and
resistors into some arduino inputs to trigger and playback any of the 40
audios in pd. Every switch will be conected to a diferent resistor to generate diferents voltages then arduino inputs can diferenciate
witch audio to playback. Also i need to power on a led any time a specific audio is been playback. The 40 audios will not be playback simultanusly, but probably al least 15 or 20 could be.
Anybody knows about a similar proyect? can i use analog input to control various samples or its not good idea? multiplexors? do i need to use an arduino mega or its not necesary?can i power 15-20 led simultaneously? the best way to do this system stable for long long time?