i've been spending some time on pd today again~.
i've grandly improved mp3live~ and
fixed a bug in shoutcast~ .
Improvements to mp3live~ :
a/ added an incoming buffer status bar,
thus you see when your peer is getting
out of sync.
b/ added an outlet that outputs the IP address
of your peer.
c/ let you have several instances of mp3live~
within PD ( which was the hardest thing to do ),
i'll explain why in my next post.
Bug fix for shoutcast~ :
a/ a nasty bug indeed : when you had two
instances and disconnect one of them,
it could be the other one which disconnects.
this was due to a shared static variable.
windows version should have the same problem.
Enjoy new releases !!!
Next in thread --> "Internal pd problems...or features ?"