flutil.cpp: In static member function ‘static void flext_single::CopyMem(void*, const void*, int)’:
flutil.cpp: In static member function ‘static void flext_single::ZeroMem(void*, int)’:
Chris-Jacks-Computer-2:flext chrisjack$ bash build.sh pd gcc
make -f ./buildsys/gnumake-sub.mak PLATFORM=mac RTSYS=pd COMPILER=gcc BUILDPATH=./buildsys/ PKGINFO=package.txt BUILDCLASS=flext USRCONFIG=config.txt USRMAKE=build/gnumake-mac-gcc.inc TARGETMODE=release TARGETTYPE=single _build_
buildsys/mac/gnumake-gcc-targets.inc:22: warning: overriding commands for target `pd-darwin/release-single'
buildsys/mac/gnumake-gcc-targets.inc:18: warning: ignoring old commands for target `pd-darwin/release-single'
mkdir -p pd-darwin/release-single
mkdir -p pd-darwin/release-single/
g++ -c -DNDEBUG -DFLEXT_EXPORTS -DFLEXT_SYS=2 -DPD -I/Applications/Pd-extended.app/Contents/Resources//src source/flext.h -o pd-darwin/release-single/flext.h.gch
touch source/flbase.cpp
mkdir -p ./
g++ -c -ffast-math -Os -ftree-vectorize -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk -arch i386 -mmmx -msse -msse2 -msse3 -mtune=prescott -DNDEBUG -DFLEXT_EXPORTS -DFLEXT_SYS=2 -DPD -I pd-darwin/release-single -I/Applications/Pd-extended.app/Contents/Resources//src source/flbase.cpp -o pd-darwin/release-single/flbase.opp_i386
source/flbase.cpp:29:22: error: g_canvas.h: No such file or directory
source/flbase.cpp: In static member function ‘static bool flext_obj_single::GetParamSym(t_atom&, const t_symbol*, _glist*)’:
source/flbase.cpp:130: error: ‘canvas_realizedollar’ was not declared in this scope
source/flbase.cpp:133: error: ‘canvas_realizedollar’ was not declared in this scope
make[1]: *** [pd-darwin/release-single/flbase.opp_i386] Error 1
make: *** [build-release-single] Error 2
I am pointing the variables in the txt files to the correct locations, of that I am sure. I have also begun with a fresh install of Pd-extended 0.43.4 - could this be it? Too new-a-build? Need I use Pd vanilla to get flext to play ball? I'd really rather not as I already have a bunch of stuff invested in Pd-extended and I want to avoid having to compile countless externals just to run the same projects in vanilla (though this would be a very long-winded option).
Your helpings are highly appreciated.