hello everbody,

i am inviting you to share a sonic experience with me. Last sunday i repeated succesfully
a radio experiment in collabouration with the PMS Radio Show on BBC Radio Merseyside, one
of Radio Merseyside's most popular radio shows.
It consisted of sampling and "remixing" a radio program and then broadcasting this "remix"
on this very radio program.. so its creating a sound piece from broadcast pieces and make
this piece same of the source of the piece.. unique in the english broadcast history.
you can listen to the show on http://www.bbc.co.uk/liverpool/local_radio/index.shtml.
there you go to listen again and then chose to listen to PMS..
it might be of interest as well, that this was done mainly using Free open source software, namely
Pure Data and Jack OSX...

enjoy and thanks for your time : )

see you, hear you, read you..

alexandre r. decoupigny
alexandre r. decoupigny