PS: typo: "numbers out of rance"
I checked to see if I copied over something wrong from -extended, and that does not look to be the case. All different file sizes:
Here is the latest vanilla from pd-0.46-7.armv7.tar.gz: (matching adc*)
-rw-r--r-- 1 bhuston pi 722 Sep 9 19:08 pd-0.46-7/doc/5.reference/adc~_dac~-help.pd
Here is from -extended: (matching adc*)
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5215 Jan 19 2013 pd-extended/doc/5.reference/adc~_dac~-help.pd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6760 Jan 19 2013 pd-extended/doc/5.reference/adc~-help.pd
I suspect the build for 0.46-7 for the armv7 may be broken, not getting the latest stuff? ....
The patch in question is basically the same from -extended, with one type fixed:
-rw-r--r-- 1 bhuston pi 15570 Jan 17 2015 pd-0.46-7/doc/
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 15571 Jan 24 2013 pd-extended/doc/
bhuston@BillPi $ find pd-extended/ pd-0.46-7/ | grep -i I07 | xargs diff
< same magnitudes and phase precession \, althought the phases themselves
> same magnitudes and phase precession \, although the phases themselves