I am actually thankful we can also have this conversation... it wasn't so long ago that key handling was *broken* on macOS! In my opinion, I defer to the system and Tk for this. In fact, the only reason Pd actually respects the system setting is that we, the Pd community, added it to Tk! We made a patch which includes it a couple years ago, and I believe the Tk devs used it. The suggestion for it came from someone *here*, so maybe we have ourselves to blame for divergent behavior.? ;)
Message: 2Date: Wed, 4 May 2022 08:39:29 +0200From: IOhannes m zmoelnig <zmoelnig@iem.at>To: pd-list@lists.iem.atSubject: Re: [PD] [key], [keyup] and operating system key reapatMessage-ID: <f121dc43-8951-496c-f88b-654dbf920f6b@iem.at>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"PS: i'm happy to fix bugs in the Pd sources; but unlike Dan, I am *ont* willing to patch the Tcl/Tk engine for Pd's sake. i guess this saves me from a few nightmares