In many ways, -stdpath and -stdlib is legacy but of course will most likely not be removed or explicitly deprecated unless there is a real need. It is however highly encouraged *not* to use them, ie. no longer having users manage stuff inside the macOS Pd .app bundle. In your case with netpd and bundled resources, then I imagine they are still quite useful. :)
Message: 2Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2021 14:37:19 +0100From: Roman Haefeli <>To: Pd-List <>Subject: Re: [PD] list item picker widget - [declare] lib pathsMessage-ID: <>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"Thanks for the full picture, Dan.I guess the main point is that when Pd users go along the defaults,they need patches to use -path and -lib. Even more, -lib and -path _also_ work for stuff installed in any of thestandard search paths like <pd-dir>/extra. Assuming that people use arecent version of Pd, there can be no harm in using -lib and -path.They cover more use cases. Thus, I'd say using -lib and -path should beconsidered the canonical way of loading libraries.Roman