#N struct mycnv float x float y float w float h float color float border-c float border-w; #N canvas 0 0 772 351 10; #N canvas 404 487 450 300 put 0; #X scalar mycnv 114 102 100 60 777 0 2 \;; #X restore 68 66 pd put; #N canvas 409 309 641 527 mycnv 0; #X obj 67 44 struct mycnv float x float y float w float h float color float border-c float border-w; #X text 150 195 - RGB color (0=black \, 999=white \, 900=red \, 90=green \, 9=blue \, 555=grey \, etc.); #X text 149 236 - line width; #X text 149 253 - two or more (x \, y) pairs giving coordinates.; #X obj 69 124 filledpolygon color border-c border-w 0 0 w 0 w h 0 h ; #X obj 358 370 pointer; #X text 150 168 - interior color; #X obj 55 309 t b b; #X msg 55 284 bang; #X msg 358 349 traverse pd-put \, bang; #X msg 70 429 clear; #X obj 70 457 s pd-put; #X obj 55 396 append mycnv x y w h color border-c border-w; #X msg 55 371 100 100 100 60 777 0 2; #X connect 5 0 12 7; #X connect 7 0 13 0; #X connect 7 1 9 0; #X connect 8 0 7 0; #X connect 9 0 5 0; #X connect 10 0 11 0; #X connect 13 0 12 0; #X restore 68 45 pd mycnv; #X scalar mycnv 141 46 534 82 777 0 2 \;; #X scalar mycnv 136 164 150 121 50 850 20 \;; #X text 181 54 This is a comment on a data structure canvas.; #X text 180 83 Unfortunately it will hide behind the canvas if you resize or move the canvas.; #X text 331 188 <== This is another ds-canvas with different colors and border width.;