I compiled flext in ubuntu 8.04 because i need xsample. Then, when i compiled xsample, using
> sh ../flext/build.sh pd gcc
> sh ../flext/build.sh pd gcc install

y get xsample.pd_linux file in extra folder ( y don t get xgroove or any other file) but when i try to create an xsample objet from pd, the software simply get mad and  i have to pkill the aplication.

This is the message when i run the first sh build.sh pd gcc (for xsample compilation)

ferx@Ferx:~/Sources/xsample$ sh /home/ferx/Sources/flext/build.sh pd gcc
make -f /home/ferx/Sources/flext/buildsys/gnumake-sub.mak  PLATFORM=lnx RTSYS=pd COMPILER=gcc BUILDPATH=/home/ferx/Sources/flext/buildsys/ PKGINFO=package.txt BUILDCLASS=ext TARGETMODE=release TARGETTYPE=single _build_
make[1]: se ingresa al directorio `/home/ferx/Sources/xsample'
mkdir -p pd-linux/release-single
mkdir -p pd-linux/release-single/
g++ -c -msse -mfpmath=sse -ffast-math -O3  -pthread -fPIC -DNDEBUG -DFLEXT_SYS=2 -DPD -I/usr/local/src/pd/pd/src -I/usr/local/include/flext source/main.cpp -o pd-linux/release-single/main.opp
mkdir -p pd-linux/release-single/
g++ -c -msse -mfpmath=sse -ffast-math -O3  -pthread -fPIC -DNDEBUG -DFLEXT_SYS=2 -DPD -I/usr/local/src/pd/pd/src -I/usr/local/include/flext source/play.cpp -o pd-linux/release-single/play.opp
mkdir -p pd-linux/release-single/
g++ -c -msse -mfpmath=sse -ffast-math -O3  -pthread -fPIC -DNDEBUG -DFLEXT_SYS=2 -DPD -I/usr/local/src/pd/pd/src -I/usr/local/include/flext source/groove.cpp -o pd-linux/release-single/groove.opp
mkdir -p pd-linux/release-single/
g++ -c -msse -mfpmath=sse -ffast-math -O3  -pthread -fPIC -DNDEBUG -DFLEXT_SYS=2 -DPD -I/usr/local/src/pd/pd/src -I/usr/local/include/flext source/record.cpp -o pd-linux/release-single/record.opp
mkdir -p pd-linux/release-single/
g++ -c -msse -mfpmath=sse -ffast-math -O3  -pthread -fPIC -DNDEBUG -DFLEXT_SYS=2 -DPD -I/usr/local/src/pd/pd/src -I/usr/local/include/flext source/inter.cpp -o pd-linux/release-single/inter.opp
g++ -pthread -shared  -Wl,-S -L/usr/local/src/pd/pd/bin -L/usr/local/lib -o pd-linux/release-single/xsample.pd_linux   pd-linux/release-single/main.opp pd-linux/release-single/play.opp pd-linux/release-single/groove.opp pd-linux/release-single/record.opp pd-linux/release-single/inter.opp  -lflext-pd_s
chmod 755 pd-linux/release-single/xsample.pd_linux
strip --strip-unneeded pd-linux/release-single/xsample.pd_linux
make[1]: se sale del directorio `/home/ferx/Sources/xsample'

and this is the message for the second,  sh build.... install

ferx@Ferx:~/Sources/xsample$ sudo sh /home/ferx/Sources/flext/build.sh pd gcc install
make -f /home/ferx/Sources/flext/buildsys/gnumake-sub.mak  PLATFORM=lnx RTSYS=pd COMPILER=gcc BUILDPATH=/home/ferx/Sources/flext/buildsys/ PKGINFO=package.txt BUILDCLASS=ext TARGETMODE=release TARGETTYPE=single _install_
make[1]: se ingresa al directorio `/home/ferx/Sources/xsample'
install pd-linux/release-single/xsample.pd_linux /usr/lib/pd/extra
make[1]: se sale del directorio `/home/ferx/Sources/xsample'

I dont really know so much about compilation, then any suggestion is welcome.
