apparently websocket server can be client too,
as it is a both ways link,
so the question was a bit dumb from me.
but is it integrated in WebPd2Lork ?
i haven't installed it yet,
i would like to know before.
funny that the websocket server is from Nicolas Lhommet,
long time i havent seen him !!
hola, Nicolas, write privately at chevil@giss.tv for news )
Bukvic, Ivica wrote:
Apparently yes. See the bottom of https://pd.iem.sh/interface-pd-with/
I have not yet tested or merged it with pd-l2ork.
Ico--Ivica Ico Bukvic, D.M.A.Director, Human-Centered Design iPhD
Virginia TechCreative Technologies in MusicSchool of Performing Arts – 0141Blacksburg, VA 24061(540) 231-6139
From: ydegoyon @gmail.com <ydegoyon@gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2025 10:17:44 AM
To: Bukvic, Ivica <ico@vt.edu>; Chris McCormick <chris@mccormick.cx>
Cc: pd-list@lists.iem.at <pd-list@lists.iem.at>
Subject: Re: [PD] Re: Android Apps State?
good, but now i implemented a websocket server on the receiving part,
so, out of curiosity, is there a websocket client in pd now?
Bukvic, Ivica wrote:
That should've read emscripten (instead of emacripted)—typo courtesy of potato fingers.
Also, note that if you set up your own server, you should enable https. Otherwise, you will not be able to use mic input, MIDI, and possibly also audio out (depending on your browser security settings). Our currently set up server is already running https and if you upload your test patch on your own server, see the emscripten subfolder's documentation on how to reference patches on another server. Patches should be able to reference relative paths in respect to the patch, so things should "just work" (famous last words). As always, bug reports are welcome (please use github to report them). HTH