Date: December 16, 2014 at 6:20:19 PM EST
Subject: [PD] Mac Retina display - graphics glitching?
Upon getting a new 13” Retina Macbook, I have started to notice glitching in the PD UI. I thought this might signal a need to upgrade to Pd-extended 0.43.4, so I did, but this did not fix the glitching. Usually, the glitching manifests as a flickering GUI slider, but sometimes, a whole squarish section of the screen flickers briefly.It’s not disabling, but it’s very distracting to see the screen flashing out of the corner of my eye.Configuration:MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Mid 2014)Pd Version: 0.43.4-extendedTcl Version: 8.5.11I haven’t searched the bugs list yet; I’m just wondering if anybody else has noticed this?Phil StoneUC Davis