Tigital mentioned in the past that there is a way of launching the normal Pd.app to use X11. That might be only in the Tcl/Tk 8.5 alpha release though. Then we wouldn't need different versions, the same version would do both Aqua and X11.
Then making a Fink version of Pd is a separate question. If you know the Debian/Fink packaging stuff, I think it would be quite straightforward to make Fink packages using the Pd-extended build system. I've been helping Nando from CCRMA to make PlanetCCRMA packages based on the Pd-extended build system, so we've already worked out a number of kinks.
On Sep 16, 2006, at 5:53 AM, Libero Mureddu wrote:
I would like to spend some time trying to compile pd-extended for mac against a x11 tlc version of tk instead of the aqua version, as suggested by Hans-Cristoph Steiner and others in the past on this list.
The good thing is that the Sibelius Academy would provide machines and expertise for this project, and I will put my time and dedication :-)
I would like to know if someone already tried to do that recently and has some suggestions, known problems and so on.
Thanks and regards,
Libero Mureddu
CM&T - Sibelius-Akatemia - Helsinki
Man has survived hitherto because he was too ignorant to know how to realize his wishes. Now that he can realize them, he must either change them, or perish. -William Carlos Williams