I meant you have to get the source of the externals and compile it yourself
Not necessarily. That is only the case if libpd is compiled with multi-instance support and the (single-instance) external uses global variables (like 's_symbol', 's_float', etc.).

The 's_*' variables will cause an obvious linker error. 'pd_this' is a bit more tricky*), but I think externals are not  supposed to use it directly.


*) For single-instance externals 'pd_this' is a macro for accessing 'pd_maininstance', while for multi-instance libpd 'pd_this' points to the current instance. Unfortunately, the latter also exports 'pd_maininstance', so we would get silent failures instead of a linker error. Maybe multi-instance libpd shouldn't export 'pd_maininstance' at all?

On 02.01.2021 22:33, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
Em sáb., 2 de jan. de 2021 às 15:35, IOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig@iem.at> escreveu:
Am 2. Jänner 2021 17:10:21 MEZ schrieb Alexandre Torres Porres <porres@gmail.com>:
> Yeah, we
> have libpd, but that doesn't support externals out of the box, for
> instance.

Yeah, I know you can compile libpd with externals, bue well, you know, by "out of the box" I meant you have to get the source of the externals and compile it yourself, and that alone may even not work right away, so it involves some hassle. 

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