Is there an easy tutorial out there on how to build Pd on the pi, updated, with step by step on what you need to do for dummies? Perhaps that could do the job, a nice wiki with pictures and stuff on or something

That would be really great. It would learn people a lot about pd, Rpi and linux in general.

2017-12-26 2:47 GMT+01:00 Alexandre Torres Porres <>:
I'm sure it's easy, and It's also easy to build for mac. It's easy to build my externals for the pi, but I like to provide it for all platforms on deken anyway, cause... it's easier.

cause there are people out there that need this, that would benefit from it. And there are people here, if Miller cannot do it, that are willing to provide a binary instead.

Is there an easy tutorial out there on how to build Pd on the pi, updated, with step by step on what you need to do for dummies? Perhaps that could do the job, a nice wiki with pictures and stuff on or something

2017-12-25 22:43 GMT-02:00 Fede Camara Halac <>:
Totally agree with Dan here, it's really simple and straightforward. 

All one really needs is the dependencies, and that could be very easily obtained.



On Dec 25, 2017, at 4:55 PM, Dan Wilcox <> wrote:

Also, Merry Christmas!

Didn't mean sound negative. Maybe what I meant to say was more like: "YOU have the tools to build it, too. It's not that hard." :)

On Dec 25, 2017, at 10:32 PM, Dan Wilcox <> wrote:

That's why there is a long and detailed INSTALL.txt.

I'd say it might be more helpful if the *community* could wrangle providing Pd builds for smaller platforms like RPI then perhaps expecting Miller to provide *all* the builds in addition to the other stuff he does.

On Dec 25, 2017, at 10:30 PM, Alexandre Torres Porres <> wrote:

2017-12-25 19:25 GMT-02:00 Dan Wilcox <>:
Or they can build and install as it should be relatively easy...

Agree, it should! But I see many clueless people trying out raspberry pi without much clue on how to do that sort of thing :)

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