------------------- original source notes -------------
0. structure definition roadmap. First, the containment tree of things
that can be sent messages ("pure data"). (note that t_object and t_text,
and t_graph and t_canvas, should be unified...)
------------ BFFORE 0.35: ---------
m_pd.h t_pd anything with a class
t_gobj "graphic object"
t_text text object
t_glist list of graphic objects
g_canvas.c t_canvas Pd "document"
------------ AFTER 0.35: ---------
m_pd.h t_pd anything with a class
t_gobj "graphic object"
t_text patchable object, AKA t_object
g_canvas.h t_glist list of graphic objects, AKA t_canvas
... and other structures:
g_canvas.h t_selection -- linked list of gobjs
t_editor -- editor state, allocated for visible glists
m_imp.h t_methodentry -- method handler
t_widgetbehavior -- class-dependent editing behavior for gobjs
t_parentwidgetbehavior -- objects' behavior on parent window
t_class -- method definitions, instance size, flags, etc.