Below is my setup method. This object generates rhythmic phrases so it accesses the time scheduler in Pd as per the code [metro] or [delay], and outputs a bang. Perhaps this could be where it goes wrong?
Thanks for your time and help.
void rhynamo_setup(void) {
rhynamo_class = class_new(gensym("rhynamo"),
(t_method)delay_free, sizeof(t_rhynamo),
A_GIMME, 0);
post("[rhynamo] a rhythmic generator v .02 : by Robert Esler 2014");
class_addbang (rhynamo_class, rhynamo_bang);
class_addfloat(rhynamo_class, (t_method)rhynamo_generate);
class_addsymbol(rhynamo_class, (t_method)rhynamo_set);
(t_method)rhynamo_set, gensym("set"), A_DEFSYMBOL, A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
(t_method)rhynamo_generate, gensym("generate"), A_FLOAT, 0);
class_sethelpsymbol(rhynamo_class, gensym("help-rhynamo"));