That bug is not related, though I might look similar.  Any time you see things like .x2415b0 those are the unique IDs that Pd uses for each Window in the GUI.  ".x2415b0: no such object" basically means that Pd is trying to send a command to a window in the GUI, but that window does not currently exist (like it was closed) and Pd didn't get the message about that window closing.

Ok, thanks for explaining, so now I can read it properly.

Can we say it is a bug, or my code is forcing Pd into something it doesn't know how to handle?

This patch is a nice clear example, so it should be possible to track the bug down.  Marco, if you haven't already, can you add that patch tarball to a bug report in the tracker?  A reference to this thread would also be helpful.

Yes, sure. Will do it now.
But I'll open a new bug report, since this bug is different than the very first one I posted.
Still connected to a closed window which Pd can't communicate with though.




On Mar 7, 2013, at 10:25 AM, Benjamin ~ 01xy wrote:

> Hello,
> I encountered a maybe similar bug clicking on the 0 button of the Hradio in pix_video help patch :
> (Tcl) NOM DE COMMANDE INVALIDE : invalid command name ".x8b1b038.c"
>     while executing
> ".x8b1b038.c delete 8b26df8BASE0"
>     ("uplevel" body line 14)
>     invoked from within
> "uplevel #0 $cmds_from_pd"
> In Pd-extended 0.43-4 on debian 32 bit with GEM: ver: 0.93.3 compiled: Jan 28 2013
> this bug disapear if I cut the wire of the left outlet of [pix_video] which goes to [s $0-info]
> Bugs related ? :
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3522945&group_id=55736&atid=478070
> ++Benjamin
> Le 07/03/2013 12:33, Marco Donnarumma a ?crit :
>> hey thanks all for testing.
>> At least we know it's consistent.
>> Let's see if somebody has ideas about it.
>> Let me know how can I help!
>> Really wish to solve this.
>> thanks!
>> --