
did you try to load it with 64bit version of Pd ?

you probably miss the --enable-fat-binary=<arch> flag
please refer to https://github.com/umlaeute/Gem/wiki/How-to-build-Gem-on-MacOSX-Mavericks#configure
to learn how to build 32bit and 64bit of Gem
Please also note that it should be possible to build a FAT binary (32+64bit).



do it yourself                      

2015-05-04 17:08 GMT+02:00 Jaime E Oliver <jaime.oliver2@gmail.com>:
Hi all,

I have successfully compiled a GEM external in OS X using the latest gem from git and Pd 0.45-5. When I try to load this external I get that it finds it, but complains about the architecture:

[…]/Gem-master/extra/pix_demo/pix_demo.pd_darwin: mach-o, but wrong architecture
... couldn't create

I assume I need to add a flag but not entirely sure which one or where to put it.

Any suggestions?


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