I tried it with Apple Intermediate Codec, as Mr. Clepper suggested, and it runs smoothly now. CPU use is about 34 in "auto"-read. Is that about right for my system?
Thomas Mayer wrote:I noticed mencoder occasionaly produce bad frames if the input file is
> https://github.com/residuum/Bash-Scripts/blob/master/mencmjpeg
> Usage: ./mencmjpeg original_video new_video
> Or: ./mencmjpeg original_video
malformed (Premiere seems to suck at exporting), so I switched to
for example:
ffmpeg -loglevel quiet -y -i "INPUTFILE" -r 25 -f yuv4mpegpipe - | yuv2lav -v0 -b 2000 -q 90 -o OUTPUTFILE.avi
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