2) Recruit the Top 10 or 25 big names to sign on to the letter.with the target being manufactures of synthesizers,1) Form a small committee to draft theThanks for all who responded with early feedback :)
I think the plan should be
"Pledge to Support Open Source Community"
controllers, and other MIDI devices.
3) A general petition for all others.
If anyone wants to be on the committee to create
the first draft, please contact me off-list.
On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 5:10 PM, phil jones <interstar@gmail.com> wrote:
I will totally sign a petition on this. And forward it to every musician I know.Phil
On 21 January 2016 at 17:08, William Huston <williamahuston@gmail.com> wrote:
_______________________________________________I have been very upset at a certain manufacturer which I have decades of experience owning their products.I hope you all consider this an appropriate post for this list.
I love their machines! But they are pissing me off by doing things like:
1) Bundle software which only runs on Proprietary Operating Systems.
This is an excuse to increase street price. Linux users who want just the hardware are forced to pay for something they do not want and cannot use.
2) Publishing only a partial MIDI implementation
3) Using a secret API which only their closed source Editor can access, and which only runs on Windows or MacOS. ($$$).
So if I want a Korg product (like their new Microkey Studio!!! I have the perfect application for this!!!), then I must also pay Microsoft or Apple, in order to fully use the thing. I must also must pay a premium for software I cannot use and may not want or need.
I do not think this is fair or right!
Here's an idea:
NAMM is going on right now. This is a time when all of the manufacturers all get together.
I think the Open Source community has a lot of clout now.
My idea is to draft a Pledge to Support Open Source Community, which we will try to get manufacturers support for by the next 2017 NAMM.
My list so far is this:
1) Publish full MIDI standard. No hidden APIs which only closed-source tools, which only run on Windows or Mac can access.
2) Unbundle the hardware from the optional software. Don't force a linux hardware owner to pay for software he cannot use.
3) Consider including sample editors or performance programs as hackable C programs, Perl or Python scripts, and also sample patches in popular open-source music programs such as CSound, SuperCollider, or Pure Data.
Does anyone want to be a co-signer on this,
or have anything to add?
I think it would be awesome to get the top 10-20 people
in Open Source Music world to endorse this first thing.
People like Miller, Onyx Ashanti, Ico, Julius O. Smith,
Servando, Katja, Alexandre, Matt, IOhannes, Cheeto,
Richard Stallman, ... c'mon people, help me out...
Wow, that would pack a whallop!
I think we could have a major impact on hardware manufacturers.
This is a way for me to take my complaint with Korg and make this a campaign which could help users of other H/W vendors stuff as well.
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