Em qui., 21 de jan. de 2021 às 05:36, Albert Rafetseder <albert.rafetseder+pd@univie.ac.at> escreveu:
It saves presets as plain text files (which I appreciate for versioning), and allows for complex
scenes/programs to be stored

What do you mean by "complex scenes/programs"?
with namespaces and remote control and everything.

what's that? :) I downloaded and checked and didn't really get this.

acre/ds handles that differently: You'd do an explicit save into a separate file that you choose.

yes, I'm using [savestate] that allows you to save with the patch, no file saving needed, but my vanilla abstraction can be expanded to read/write files as well. I didn't expand on it cause I started working on this variant for my library (else/preset), which doesn red/write files as well (as the help file shows).

In general, the acre/ds system has a very similar structure than my vanilla abstraction. That is you need sends and receives and separate objects for separate parameters. I just think my take on it is simpler and I'm not sure if I'm missing some more advanced functionality from acre/ds.

Em qui., 21 de jan. de 2021 às 08:28, IOhannes m zmölnig <zmoelnig@iem.at> escreveu:
acre/ds and kollabs are derived from the same original project.
kollabs is much more elaborated, e.g. it includes support for scene
transitions (and afaict, the state-saving part is vanilla only).
acre/ds is much more minimalistic (which is a virtue as well)

Oh, I remember when this one came out and I checked it out. I just said "wow, this is too complicated", got pretty scared and ran away. Of course this is just a personal opinion and a matter of taste, but I do in fact believe a minimalistic approach is quite virtuous. I'm all for the "KISS" (keep it simple, stupid) principal. People shouldn't spend more than 2 minutes reading a help file :) 

I'm proud and happy that my system for ELSE is quite simple. Only one object (you can have more if you want, of course, in the case you want 2 subgroups or something) plus the [receive] objects that you'd normally have anyway to send parameter values.

On the other hand, I don't wanna miss interesting features, so there's an art of trying to make things simple, functional and powerful.

Anyway, by reading through, I don't get how kollabs can be used with simple things like sending and retrieving values from a number box. I just missed this in the extensive documentation. But if they share a common ground, it seems there's no different/special principal that I'm missing.

And well, I see this one is also kind of like a sequencer, with "transitions" and all. That makes you think "hmmm, that's nice". But I just think one can use something like a "line" or something and a separate preset group/object to control the transitions. 
