On Jun 14, 2018, at 9:44 PM, pd-list-request@lists.iem.at wrote:

User adds '/home/jane/fanypdcollection/' to the paths in Pd's
preferences. Then she installs iemnet to
/home/jane/fancypdcollection/iemnet after she configured Deken to
install libraries to /home/jane/fanypdcollection/. Then she creates a
new patch, therein a [declare -path iemnet] and a [tcpclient] and the
latter creates successfully.

Is this the idea?

Yup, with the PR. I'd suggest making a custom build with it and testing (please).

Additionally, if iemnet is located in the same folder as the opening patch, it would be chosen first over the global location. Also, you can specifically *ignore* searching beyond the local scope by adding a ./ in the front of the path. :)

Dan Wilcox