Hi all,

I'm new in this community. I helped a little bit to organize the PDCon 09 in São Paulo, and Iḿ getting more involved with Pd since.

This is just to say that I've installed 64bit Ubuntu two months ago, because I have a 64 Turion Acer notebook.

Nothing worked properly, so I've changed to 32bit version and everything seems fine up to now. But the 64 version is very unstable, and for my personal experience I really do not recommend...

best for all


Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 9:44 AM, Pierre <pierre@314r.net> wrote:
Hi dmotd,
many thanks for yours explanations !

- is there a simple way to have and manage differents pd (vanilla,  extended, gui-rewrite) with differents versions on the same computer ?

just compile without installing.. and launch pd from the command line using ./pd or something similar,  

I'll do that, don't install, and run ./pd from src directory
because :

for something more sophisticated choose a different install target for each build and build a script that chooses version at /usr/bin/pd

I think configuring '--prefix=' at each compilation will be too confusing for me.

- I would like to use the latest sources, nightly build was just fine  for me on 32bit

better anyhow, the latest stable candidate of extended is not designed for 64bit and needs to be heavily patched.
ok , a bit sad
but I'll continue to try to compile and use the 64bit build

- but I also need to have a method to build a stable pd-extended release  if the latests sources give me pd crashes (I do Audio/Video live shows  and performance and stability are very important on scene...)

if you seriously want reliability then make a 32bit partition and install 32bit ubuntu 9.0 (or better still try an older more tested version of ubuntu) besides a lot of array based objects that have not been thoroughly ported to 64bit, 64bit pd is not propperly tested and needs a bit more time and attention. for performance stability stick with the tried and tested approach.


Until now I always used nightly-build or pd-extended release on 32bit, and I can easily come back to this solution :
I have an other 32bit debian lenny on the same laptop,
but I would prefer to use the same OS for test/create and performance...

good luck.. if you seriously want to build for
ubuntu 9.0 x86_64, be prepared for a bit of frustration.. heres some extra reading - albeit out of date:

ok I'll retry using theses instructions
I read on this page that :
Download the source package for Pd-Vanilla 0.42.4, extract it, and use it to replace the Pd core source in the Pd-0.40.3-extended folder. I did this as the 0.41 pd-extended core does not (as yet) have the 64 bit table bug resolved (tables are only read half way). Hopefully in the near future this step will not be necessary.

I'll try this method and try with the pd's svn source as well

thanks for your time and links !!
It is a bit more understandable for me :)


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