Equality is equality, and doesn't need another name. If a man is treated badly for his gender, does he have less right to justice because he is a member of a group less often treated badly? Maybe not in theory, but in many people's actions, yes. I believe in equal rights, but I don't believe that is accomplished by focusing on one group of people.
Chuckk, while I can sympathize with this, I would also suggest that the goal of many feminists is not equality in the limited sense of "we get the same things as men." I hope that you don't take this as any kind of attack, because certainly this is not a reflection on you, but I am almost a little bored by that idea. After a certain point, doesn't the question become - how long will we keep chasing and catching up with men?
In my opinion (as a man though), the more interesting varieties of feminism also encompass a celebration (or expansion) of femininity. The "feminine" does not have to be a static, rigid entity either - see Donna Harraway's "A Cyborg Manifesto", or feminist responses to Deleuze/Guattari's "rhizome". Economic justice does require some attention to the idea of equality, but it must an equality that is aware of difference, never turning a blind eye to it.. otherwise, how to address inequality? By turning back to some abstract enlightenment ideal, or by attending to the differences?
Also I am not a computer science type either (as much as I often wish I was, my degree is in art, so we are related in the $0 market), but I've been on an interesting ride so far in large part because of pd and this list/community, for which I am very grateful. You can tell by my ridiculous newbie questions from last summer :)
Also I found the mistake over Patrice really beautiful.