Le 15/12/2012 15:59, John Harrison a écrit :
I think the issue might be that [pix_motionblur] works with images, not textures. Therefore you need to change your rotated texture into an image, then blur that. I modified your patch to do this. See if it does what you want (attached).


On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 2:16 AM, Charles Goyard <cg@fsck.fr> wrote:
Hi Cyrille,

> render in a framebuffer and use this image for the motionblur.

That's what I tried without success.

Here's a simplified patch (with a single image instead of movie) showing the situation.

Rotation should exhibit some blurring, isn't it ?

Maybe there's smehting I need to setup ? Like alpha or whatso ?

Thanks a lot,


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I think, it is better to work (only) with textures and framebuffers (this is faster).
See the patch attached.
If you need absolutely [pix_motionblur], then the John's solution is good.
