(sorry for x-posting)

Dear all,
I'll be giving a talk and demo of PureData at the next Edinburgh Linux User Group Meeting on Thursday 3rd February.

The meeting is held at the Edinburgh Conference and Training Centre, St Mary's Street Edinburgh (map at http://tinyurl.com/5r6ebgp ) and starts at 7:30pm. Tea, Coffee and biscuits are available free of charge.

More information about the talk is available at http://www.scottish.lug.org.uk/wiki/EdLUG:2011-02-03.
Thanks to Jan (Edlug) for organizing the event.

Hope to see some of you there,
Apologies for the short notice.

Best wishes,

Marco Donnarumma aka TheSAD
Independent New Media Arts Professional, Performer, Teacher
Ongoing MSc by Research, University of Edinburgh, UK

PORTFOLIO: http://marcodonnarumma.com
LAB: http://www.thesaddj.com | http://cntrl.sourceforge.net | http://www.flxer.net
EVENT: http://www.liveperformersmeeting.net