
I'd hadn't seen a reply on either of these so thought I would send my solution (having just worked it out!). The issue with declare, -stdpath and OSX is that declare takes the path from the executable inside the Pd application (folder) (right click how package contents > contents > MacOS - so when trying to a position relative using you need go up a couple of directories.

e.g. declare -stdpath ../../../..//Users/someuser/Documents/OtherLocation

This gets you back from Pd in the applications folder to the user folder.

Also, I haven't seen a solution but would be curious to find out if anyone knew of a solution to path name spaces with declare in OSX.

Best wishes

Begin forwarded message:

From: Derek Holzer <derek@umatic.nl>
Date: 25 June 2010 8:22:53 PM ACST
To: "courrier@labastie.org" <courrier@labastie.org>, pd-list <PD-list@iem.at>
Subject: Re: [PD] pd path on OSX


On 6/24/10 8:46 PM, courrier@labastie.org wrote:

Would someone tell me how to modify pd-path on OSX ?
When I am on Application folder, I can't get folders activated.
So I would like to modify .pdrc but I can't find it on mac OSX...
I use Pd version 0.41.4-extended.

::: derek holzer ::: http://macumbista.net :::
---Oblique Strategy # 29:
"Change nothing and continue with immaculate consistency"

Begin forwarded message:

From: Roman Haefeli <reduzierer@yahoo.de>
Date: 30 September 2007 8:31:45 AM ACST
To: pd@mild.ch
Cc: PD list <pd-list@iem.at>
Subject: Re: [PD] [declare] won't load standard pathes on osx
Reply-To: reduzierer@yahoo.de

On Tue, 2007-09-18 at 01:08 +0200, Roman Haefeli wrote:
On Mon, 2007-09-17 at 22:35 +0200, Enrique Erne wrote:

i try to load hp1~.pd from iemabs with Pd version 0.40-2 compiled for Macintosh
OSX 10.3

here it is:

that's the test-patch:
[declare -stdpath ../extra/iemabs]

it's probably necessary to add, that this same [declare] works on
windows and linux (tested was alsways with 0.40.2, iemabs was always in

though, the flags -stdlib and -path seem to work as well on osx, but not
-stdpath for some reason.

can anyone on osx please test/confirm that?

would be cool to hear anything about it. is [declare] supposed to work
the same on osx as on linux and windows? (i guess so.. )


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Christian Haines

Lecturer / Co-Director
Electronic Music Unit

Elder Conservatorium of Music
University of Adelaide
South Australia  5005

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