On 08/08/2013 04:57 PM, Claude Heiland-Allen wrote:

Today I remembered one performance where I saved an abstraction with
many instances, bringing things to a halt.  So I benchmarked this
scenario and some similar ones - some seem to scale very badly.

pure-data.git gcc-4.8.1 GNU/Linux/Debian/Wheezy amd64 64bit
Pd-0.45.0 ("test") compiled 17:10:02 Aug  8 2013

m  n      open      dsp       save       close
3    512    38.503   1.33879     44.26       3.985
4   4096   324.507  10.7379     786.227    150.602
5  32768  2611.92   85.405    79234.2    35853

key    description
m      number of levels of nested abstractions
n      total number of instances at deepest level
open   time to load patch
dsp    time to toggle dsp on then off (1000 runs averaged)
save   time to save one instance at deepest level
close  time to close patch

all times are in ms, measured with [realtime]
rows run sequentially in their own pd instance
dsp was off at the start of each test
the whole run is in zero logical time
cpu frequency scaling was disabled (for real)
pd was run with -nogui -nosound -nrt

The killer in the bottom right corner: with 8x as many abstractions, it
takes 100x as long to save an instance, and 200x as long to close the patch.

See attached tarball if you want to try it yourself.

Thanks for the stats.

Any idea why "save" is so much greater than close + open?

Also, any idea what pd is doing for the bulk of that time when
saving, closing, opening, and dsp'ing?



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