How do I install this external? I can open the gpio-help.pd file in pure data but when I try to open it I get the attached error message (pd_error_message.png). I assume this is because I haven't installed the external. I copied the contents of the pi-externs.tgz file that I downloaded from Miller's site into the following path on my pi: "/home/pi/pd-externals/". Isn't there something else I need to do though to install this so that I can use it in PD?

Also, once I get this installed I want to setup GPIO 17 as an input and then read the state of it. I'm going to alternate between applying 3.3V and GND to the GPIO 17 pin and I would like to see the high/low status of the pin change in pure data. See attached screenshot (gpio_help_configuration.png) for how I configured Jaime's gpio-help.pd file to do this. All I did was change output 1 to output 0 so that GPIO 17 would be configured as an input. If I want to see the status of the pin what will I look at in this script to see the high/low status of the pin? Do I need to modify this script in any other way to be able to see this?

Really appreciate your help!

On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 6:21 AM, Julian Brooks <> wrote:
Meant to add:

Any other issues give us a shout and if I can help, I will.

On 13 June 2013 09:56, Julian Brooks <> wrote:
Hi Josh,

The thread you're after is this one:

gpio on the raspberry pi from within pd ?

(ooh - big font)

And Jaime's helpfile's attached.

That should do it.


On 13 June 2013 06:37, Josh Downing <> wrote:
I'm trying to figure out how to use the [gpio] external and I'm totally lost on how to install it and then how to use it inside PD on my raspberry pi. I did download the external from Miller Puckette's website but that is about as far as I have been able to get. I would like to be able to configure 4 GPIO pins as inputs and read their state within my PD patch.

Could anyone provide me with any help on how I would go about installing this patch and using it in PD on the pi? Also, I found a thread in the list serve archive where someone had attached a draft of instructions on how to install and use the GPIO external but unfortunately the attached file was not available. Could someone send me these instructions if you have them?


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