
I am having a problem loading GEM (version 0.93.3) on Miller Pucket's latest version for Windows (version 0.46-5).
1) I unzipped PD to C:/.../Documents/pd,
2) and GEM to C:/.../Documents/Gem-0.93.3,
3) and then I add the Path "C:/.../Documents/Gem-0.93.3/Gem" on File>Preferences>Startup
4) Finally, I closed and reopened PD but GEM didn't load.

Is there anything wrong in these steps? Am I missing something? Please, I'd really appreciate any possible help.



PS: I'm on Windows 8.1.

PSS: Also, after adding the "New Path" (saving all settings) and reopening PD, nothing happens and no path is stored in the "Startup" window. And the hkey_local_machine > Software > Pd (where preferences are supposed to be stored on Windows for pd vanilla) doesn't exist in the registry.

On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 11:09 PM, Federico Camara Halac <camarafede@gmail.com> wrote:

I am having a problem running GEM (version 0.93.3) on Miller Pucket's latest version for Windows (version 0.46-5).

1) I unzipped PD to C:/.../Documents/pd,

2) and GEM to C:/.../Documents/Gem-0.93.3,

3) and then I add the Path "C:/.../Documents/Gem-0.93.3/Gem" on File>Preferences>Startup

4) Finally, I closed and reopened PD but GEM didn't load.

Is there anything wrong in these steps? Am I missing something?

Please, I'd really appreciate any possible help.



PS: I'm on Windows 8.1.

Federico Cámara Halac
(1) 347 302 0982

Federico Cámara Halac
(1) 347 302 0982