> Howdy, don't think this has ever been discussed... sorry if it had.

> So, we need externals with non-alphanumeric names to be loaded into a multi-object library, loaded via start up. If you have them as a set of single-object binaries, the only option seems to be [hexloader] (a third party external). Hence, in order to reduce dependency on third party externals, would there be any opposition in the idea of incorporating the hexloader code into Pd Vanilla?

> An alternative could be 'deken' handling dependencies, so if you download one external pack it would also download a dependency such as 'hexloader'.

> thoughts?

Sorry, I just noticed this message.

Pd's default loader mechanism has a "hexloader" in it.

Curious-- if the user tries to create [foo], what is the use case for the default loader
trying to load "foo/foo.$pd_extension" and "foo/foo.pd"?


> cheers