PowerPC 10.3: Pd-0.39.2-extended-test7-macosx103-powerpc.dmg   gives a Page not Found error

On 1/5/07, Hans-Christoph Steiner <hans@eds.org> wrote:

Ok, this should be approaching release readiness, let's stress test!
This is the last test release before release candidates, so report
bugs now!

     * Gem should be installed and working on all platforms
     * the MSD (Mass-Spring-Damper) externals are included
     * included Thomas Grill's Mac/Intel fixes for iemlib and cyclone
     * Universal binaries for flext externals
     * working 10.3 build




I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three
meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds,
and dignity, equality and freedom for their spirits.      - Martin
Luther King, Jr.

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