
I was quite interested by this announcement,
so I ran several tests which might be of interest
for everyone.

First, I must say that it's really an interesting framework
because it enables to control a video rendering engine
running under Windows from any other computer.
It was not clearly stated but you can launch
Framestein in full screen mode ( and maybe with a video output )
then make the framestein control patches and audio patches run
on a Linux machine. It think it's a good configuration.
You only need to change fs_main.pd
"connect localhost $1"
"connect windows.slave.com $1"
That's a nice feature.

Second, when you launch the whole system on a single host,
I think you need at least 128MB of memory,
otherwise, you'll get "access violation"s errors.

Third, i think the Framestein example patches don't really act
as the help patches from Pd's documentation,
they don't let you know easily how you can use the Framestein objects.
So, i attach to this mail a demo patch for framestein.
Well, that's only a point of view...
i just submit a patch in the pd documentation's style
( which is nice :-)) ), just try "framestein-link.pd"
and click on "framestein-demo".

Hope this will advocate for enhancing Framestein,
and let it grow in Pd's galaxy  !!!!!!!!


Yves Degoyon,

PS: i had a small, non-blocking problem with pd messages :
when message "$1x$2" receives two arguments,
it outputs "1024x$2" when inputs are $1=1024 $2=768, annoying ...

Juha Vehviläinen wrote:

Framestein + modular is software for processing images
and video controlled with Pure Data.