Hi Alex, thanks for taking a look. Yes - the reason I ended up calling the single library binary timbreIDLib is that there was already a [timbreID] object in the library. I just wanted to avoid confusion. Looking back, I wish I had named that object something else. At this point I think I'd rather live with an awkwardly named library rather than change the name of any individual object within it, but I'm open to suggestions.

On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 3:55 PM Alexandre Torres Porres <porres@gmail.com> wrote:
I assume maybe the issue is that you also have the timbreID object? But I also don't really think that could be a necessarily a problem, though I haven't tested throughly...

Em seg, 29 de jul de 2019 às 04:32, Alexandre Torres Porres <porres@gmail.com> escreveu:
Hi William, congrats on the update. 

I got one question, any reason why not to call the library binary just "timbreID" instead of "timbreIDlib"?

This imposes a minor inconvenience that the user needs to specify the path and the library name, whereas if it were called "timbreID", you wouldn't need to worry to specify the path, as Pd would automatically find it.

Not sure if you had to do it this way, but I'd suggest you to consider changing it. 


Em sáb, 29 de jun de 2019 às 11:42, William Brent <william.brent@gmail.com> escreveu:
Hi all,

I've just finished an update for timbreID, version 0.8.1. It's available via deken for Linux/Mac/Win, and at https://github.com/wbrent/timbreID. The examples package is now available via the github README.

Here's a summary of changes below and a quick video of the updated timbre space example, which has a lot of new features: http://williambrent.conflations.com/mov/timbre-space-june-2019.mp4

Any and all feedback is welcome!

  • new [chroma] and [chroma~] objects for pitch class profile of spectrum
  • new [phaseSpec] and [phaseSpec~] objects for phase spectrum
  • new [tempo~] object for tempo estimation
  • new [featureNorm] and [featureDelta] objects for feature processing
  • new functionality for [featureAccum]
    • running sum of feature input
    • running mean of feature input
    • simple moving average of feature input
  • additional methods for [tabletool] (overlap_add, permute, drip, as_set, dump_range, hps, valleys)
  • [timbreID] can now output its database formatted as a FANN training file for use with the FANN neural net library
  • new zero-padding feature

  • automation via audio features: gated reverb, multi-band compressor
  • improved vocoder
  • chromagram plotting
  • key estimation
  • audio segmenting based on BFCC deltas
  • significant update to timbre space example
    • uses new "chain_" message functionality to avoid redundant FFTs for much faster batch analysis
    • works on all platforms with Pd 0.49 and Gem 0.94
    • keyboard commands for navigation/mouse functions
    • new mouseover functionality to play all grains within mouse radius in sequence (according to distance from center) or in random order
    • grain pitch transposition
    • map features to Gem sphere size
    • new "constellation" feature for making sequences of grains
    • a constellation control panel for managing multiple parallel sequences, changing sequence playback behavior, level, speed, rhythm

William Brent

“Great minds flock together”
Conflations: conversational idiom for the 21st century

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William Brent

“Great minds flock together”
Conflations: conversational idiom for the 21st century
