Maybe it would be helpful to display some text suggesting checking apt-get / the system package manager first when a user opens deken on a Debian system (or maybe Linux in general).

On 2/2/20 9:28 PM, Maurin Donneaud wrote:
Dear IOhannes,

The issue is :
The only Gem package I can find with Deken is

Coould it be possible to get the last version of Gen (94-1) with Deken ?

why would you?
since you are on a Debian based distribution, you already have *apt*,
which is a far better and more mature package manager than deken.
(on other distributions, you have other package managers; *all* of them
are better than deken)

anyhow, install the "pd-deken-apt" package (via `apt`), and you can see
(and install) Debian's pd-packages via apt.
(it lacks the object-search though)

Dan Wilcox