Also, if you are not aware, Pd vanilla ships with the "Deken" externals installer plugin: Help - > Find externals

The centralized externals included with Pd-extended have been split up and some are being maintained and new builds available via deken. If you know the libraries in your old Pd-extended projects, it's likely that you can download them.

One thing to know, is that the old [import] which automatically scanned and loaded all libraries is not part of vanilla. The preferred approach is to use the new(er) [declare] object to add paths or library names, sort of like including header files in programming languages. This way, there is no ambiguity when sharing patches with other people.

We as a community are slowly working through this transition process and there are a few details to work on, but it's largely a good thing as it helps split up the work and external development activity has increased in some areas.

On Mar 30, 2019, at 4:29 PM, wrote:

From: Ignacio Lois <>
To: Alexandre Torres Porres <>
Cc: Liam Goodacre <>, ""
Subject: Re: [PD] getting back to business
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Thanks! That should get me started.

Dan Wilcox