There are enough people doing the same, that all those individual
1% and 2% add up to a very large proportion of what's being produced in
the pd community.

I agree with this sentiment.

People seem most attracted to Pd for its flexibility. If everyone wanted a nifty vocoder they would've gone out and bought Reason, or downloaded some free plugins for Audacity. A vocoder patch may get more downloads, but this is probably because there's more overlap in interest than with some other niche items, not because this is the sort of patch that the majority of Pd users try to create. It is the niche items that drive the community, not standard audio tools.

Also, you can never know what use someone else may find for your patch. I have taken elements from synth patches and used them as controllers for visual patches. I don't care about classical composing, and haven't heard of any of the composers you listed, but I am certainly interested in checking out your patch for its potential as a complex rythmic triggering mechanism.