That is kind of the point, right? Instead of just porting the GUI, it should be rewritten from scratch for the iOS and Android. Should Processing be the way to go?
Dan: I´d love toe beta test as wellOn Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 1:24 PM, Epic Jefferson <> wrote:dan:i would love to do beta testing! processing code is super friendly. i don't know about lua, but it looks along the same linesOn Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:12 AM, i go bananas <> wrote:I've always assumed because tcl/tk isn't portable to iOS?
On Thursday, November 1, 2012, Leandro da Mota Damasceno wrote:You know what I´ve alwayus wanted? Actual PD for the iPhone. An app with the same GUI, so I could create my patches and even live code.
Why don't we have it yet?On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 9:54 AM, i go bananas <> wrote:
This is pretty much what I've been waiting for. How long does it take to get the hang of processing/Lua?
On Thursday, November 1, 2012, Epic Jefferson wrote:I'm very happy you're doing this. this is exactly what i want to do, but i'm still a few years away programming-wise. How do you plan to distribute it, on the app store as a standard app? or something a bit more hacker friendly? perhaps a .ipa we can jam in there via ssh?On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 2:00 PM, Dan Wilcox <> wrote:
Hey all,I made a video demo of the robotcowboy app:
----DescriptionThe robotcowboy app is an audio/visual environment for performance with visual Lua scripting and Pure Data audio patching. Think of it as Processing and PD wrapped up into a single app that will run on Mac/Win/Linux and iOS.
It features:
* a Pure Data audio instance
* a Lua scripting environment inspired by OpenFrameworks/Processing
* a scene system including playlists
* midi io (yes, on iPad too)
* inter-app OSC communication
* 2d physics using Box2dThe idea is that I want a single environment focused on performance with an easy workflow that doesn't involve compilation (ala C++ & OpenFrameworks) and runs on multiple platforms. This way, I can get in the flow, make some scenes, upload them to my iPad, and go play a show.
Check it out on Github: Oct 23, 2012, at 10:51 AM, Dan Wilcox <> wrote:Sorry, I should have clarified.RjDj the entity is going great.RjDj the original iOS app, is no longer being supported and is now no longer availabel on the App Store. From the RjDj blog:In all these years, RjDj grew out of this app and really became something different. RjDj became a new way how to think music, it became a brand. This development is something we want to enforce which is the reason why we are now positioning everything for our future.
As a first step we are cleaning up our "old" apps which also means that we are retiring the good old RjDj app. Don't be sad, we are working on some great new content released through "The Dark Knight Rises Z+" app and we are also working on the exciting "Music Zones" project which we are currently test driving in the UK app store.
So starting from next week, we won't make the app available in the app store anymore, so if you are a nostalgic app collector, this is your last chance to get it. You will still be able to use the installed app but we won't be supporting it any longer. This means that you won't be able to upload recordings or download scenes. On October 8th we will also change our website.I was directly inspired by RjDj to in making a similar app and thanks to Peter, et al. libpd makes it possible. I have used RjDj for a number of small experiments and are sad to see it go, but in the end I needed something that works more for my needs, so I've been working towards making my own app.On Oct 23, 2012, at 10:43 AM, Ivica Ico Bukvic <> wrote:Do you mind saying why is the app off the iOS ap