If you want to do vanilla-only OSC, I have an overview patch for moving from mrpeach to vanilla OSC objects, mrpeach-to-vanilla-osc.pd in
Also, there are a couple of wrapper objects that make working with vanilla more "mrpeach-like" in rc-patches: n_oscsend, n_oscreceive, n_oscformat
Hi all,
I'm working on getting started with OSC and I'm referencing this page:
which suggests using [packOSC] and [unpackOSC], which I believe are
supposed to be in Mr. Peach. The only problem is that I have Mr. Peach
installed and I don't seem to be able to create those objects. I have tried
declaring them [mrpeach/packOSC] and [mrpeach/net/packOSC], not to mention
with lowercase letters as well. [import mrpeach] also doesn't create.
However, I can use some other objects just fine, like
I am currently using Pd 0.48.1 and, according to Synaptic, I have
pd-mrpeach & pd-mrpeach-net 0.1 installed. Am I missing something? Those
are the only ones that show up in Synaptic. I also noticed that the Pd site
doesn't list any versions for it:
Any hints would be appreciated!