Seems a bit of an overkill involving other languages and all that. Yeah, we have libpd, but that doesn't support externals out of the box, for instance.

The "make app" we had in Extended was much simpler. It'd replicate the Pd app and just open the patch you turned into an "app". This is convenient to share your art work as it doesn't require people to download Pd + your patch and maybe even externals. And everything is guaranteed to work out of the box wherever you open it. 

I've used this a couple of times back in the day for installations in art galleries and it really felt good! People running the exhibition had no trouble at all managing this. It is also good for concerts situations where all pieces are played from one computer. You have your piece in an app in a pendrive and it just works! I can see the point that it's not too much of an incredible convenience, but it surely is convenient and the point is that this was once made and maybe could be easily incorporated as a plugin so you can generate an app. 


Em sáb., 2 de jan. de 2021 às 10:56, Andre Osku Schmidt <> escreveu:
> other solutions are welcome though ;)

in case you want a custom ui, and want pd only for the "it's running in the background" part, i've been experimenting with pd+osc+qml and it's pretty nice! but i guess if one needs much/fast data between pd<->qml, osc might not be enough... (i already got "bad feeling" sending waveform average datas over osc)

so it's really itching in my fingers to make an app (like pd(droid)party) with qt (that supposedly can compile for every os!) and libpd (i know only that it exists). and use pd patches for the "backend" and qml scripts for the "frontend"...

but don't hold your breath, creating (cross) compiling and "advanced" (qt) c/c++ code is something where i seem to rage quit pretty early... *nudge nudge, wink wink*



ps. in case you try my fork of qml-osc, it seems i broke single values, hups... todo...
pps. there is also but meh...

On Thu, 31 Dec 2020 18:19:36 -0300
Alexandre Torres Porres <> wrote:

> Hi, we all know Pd Extended had that nice feature of sharing your patch as
> an app, could that be available for Vanilla as a plugin? What would it
> take? What other similar solution could we have instead?
> Of course we can just share a zipped file with the patch and all external
> dependencies, and then ask people to download Pd vanilla, but the "app"
> idea is still more convenient for complete dummies.
> cheers
> happy 2021