Em sex, 8 de fev de 2019 às 13:55, Alexandre Torres Porres <porres@gmail.com> escreveu:


the leak seems to be on this line.  you should keep the return value of
opendir and be sure to close it when no longer necessary.

Well, I'll take there must be a leak or something there, but I'm calling this method (dir_open) in the patch. This object opens directories so we query for filenames in it, and for that it depends on <dirent.h>. And the thing is that if there are too many opened directories, crap happens. I've tried everything already, but it seems to be an issue with the opendir() function in dirent.h

See http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/7908799/xsh/opendir.html where it says "applications will only be able to open up to a total of {OPEN_MAX} files and directories", that might be it. Also, the given errirs in that page mention "descriptors" and how "Too many files are currently open in the system".

Em sex, 8 de fev de 2019 às 07:58, Roman Haefeli <reduzent@gmail.com> escreveu:
Maybe you closed them, despite them not being fixed.

I may have closed yours because it was a duplicate issue, also reported/discussed here https://github.com/porres/pd-else/issues/248 by Liam.
