Hi, sorry for the noise. Looking at the git logs made this pretty obvious. The commit I was looking for is here: http://pure-data.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=pure-data/pd-extended.git;a=commitdiff;h=c1a5e1f63884d3780123a2265865ea4052bcb63d_______________________________________________On Mon, Mar 11, 2013 at 8:52 AM, Rafael Vega <email.rafa@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi.I'm building an application using libpd and some externals that are in the pd-extended distribution (latest stable build 0.43-4). I need to link the externals statically so I downloaded the pd-extended sources from the git repo.I'm having an issue: The pd-extended repo has no tags for releases (at least not for all of them). The pd vanilla repo, on the other hand has all the tags.Can someone suggest how to figure out which commit to checkout if I want to have code that works just like the 0.43-4 release? (expect same bugs, if any, etc.)BTW, It would be very nice to have the tags in the pd-extended repo :)Thanks.--
Rafael Vega
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