Hi Roman. This is turning out trickier than I thought. A friend explained the code to me and got to the following equation, with min/max values
as 0.01 and 1 respectively.
[expr 0.01 * exp((log(1 / 0.01) / 0.01) * $f1 * 0.01)]
For what I've checked, it seems to behave like your patch. But it doesn't do the trick I'm looking for yet. I sent a patch earlier, and I'm sending it back again.
The goal is to connect a linear slider to an [expr] (with this so called "log" function) and then to another linear slider. The idea then is that this second slider behaves as one that was set as being "log".
In the patch attached I was able to emulate it poorly with [pow 0.25], but that was before reaching the list. See that if I use this expr function from the code or your patch it presents quite a different behavior.
maybe it is some sort of inversion of this equation, not sure. Apparently this code converts the "log" function values to linear and I'm hoping to get the exact opposite. Got it?
Thanks for looking into this