>> This is the beta 1 release of Purr Data (the GUI port of Pd-l2ork)
> I tried installing purr-data on xubuntu-16.04-x64 with gdebi.
> This fails because pd-l2ork depends on libstk0-dev. Manually installing
> libstk0-dev does not work as it is removed during installation of
> purr-data. This might be an version issue, maybe the current version of
> libstk0-dev is too new for pd-l2ork.
Any clue why it's removed during installation?
> Apart from this I tried to compile and run just the core. Compiling and
> retrieving the nwjs-sdk eventually worked but running failed on the nw
> executable which printed "Created new window in existing browser
> session." and "watchdog: signaling pd..."
What method are you using to run Purr Data? At the moment, this can happen
when nw.js is already running.
> Greetings,
Fred Jan